Player Code of Conduct
I hereby pledge to be positive about my youth sports experience and accept responsibility for my participation by following this Players Code of Conduct.
I will encourage good sportsmanship from fellow players, coaches, officials and parents at every game and practice by demonstrating good sportsmanship.
I will attend every practice and game that I can, and will notify my coach if I cannot.
I will expect to receive a fair and equal amount of playing time (NOT APPLICABLE TO THE COUNTY TEAMS).
I will do my very best to listen and learn from my coaches.
I will treat my coaches, other players, officials and fans with respect regardless of race, sex, creed or abilities; and I will expect to be treated accordingly.
I deserve to have fun during my sports experience and will alert parents or coaches if it stops being fun!
I deserve to play in an environment that is free of drugs, tobacco and alcohol, and expect adults to refrain from their use at all youth sports events.
I will encourage my parents to be involved with my team in some capacity because it is important to me.
I will do my very best in school.
I will remember that participating in sports is an opportunity to learn and have fun.
I will be follow the rules of basketball and VYI; and I will be respectfully to my opponents, coaches and officials. I will conduct myself appropriately during all VYI events.
I acknowledge that I am an extension of the VYI organization and agree to conduct myself in a fashion that will bring pride to VYI. I will abide by the Code of Conduct.
I acknowledge that any violation of the above Coaches Code of Conduct or any violation of VYI rules may result, at the discretion of the league commissioner, in a suspension for one (1) or more games and/or permanent removal as a VYI player. Any such suspension or permanent removal is non-appealable and does not require ejection from a game by an official.
I acknowledge that any ejection from a game will result in a minimum suspension of one (1) week including the team’s next practice and game, and, at the discretion of the league commissioner, may result in suspension for more than the one (1) week minimum and/or permanent removal as VYI player, if such additional suspension and/or removal is deemed necessary and appropriate. Any such suspension or permanent removal is non-appealable.