BD Knowledge

BD Knowledge

Building Director Guidelines

NOTE: The Building Director Test is under "Register Now"

VYI requires EVERY parent, including husbands and wives, whose child is participating in VYI Basketball to be either a commissioner of a league, a Head Coach (assistant not acceptable, Head Coach must also be BD qualified), a Building Director, or to pay the $35 per parent per child non-volunteer fee. A Volunteer Building Director's duties include monitoring the gym during one or two assigned practice or game periods to ensure siblings of players are not running wildly in the school or misbehaving on school property and that no food or drink is brought into the gym (see guidelines below for details). A BD is needed so that the coach can concentrate on practice and teach his players basketball.

To become a Volunteer Building Director each parent must review the following information and take the test on this WEB site, which will be sent to Fairfax County (If you have applied for a waiver, please take the test at VYI's site to ensure proper notification for waiver consideration). If the test is passed Fairfax County provides access to various documents needed to prove to County employees that the parent has passed the test and is aware of their reponsibilities in the gym.

NOTE: If while monitoring a gym for VYI you are told by a NCS employee that they have no record of your taking the test, tell them you took the test on VYI's WEB site and it was forwarded to NCS for inclusion in their database.

Please read the information below carefully before taking the test.

1.      A Volunteer Building Director (VBD) is needed to police the gyms to be sure that the gyms are protected from misuse. Volunteers are required because the added expense to Fairfax County would be too great. If VBDs do not do their job, Fairfax County will install a paid BD and will charge the program for that cost.

2.      The VBD is responsible for performing facility inspections, enforcing rules and regulations, requiring participants to stay in the gym and be orderly, ensuring balls are not bounced in hallways, establishing a good relationship with school personnel, not allowing tobacco or alcohol on school property, and submitting various reports in a timely fashion.

3.      The VBD should arrive at the facility about 15 minutes in advance to perform a facility inspection, including checking for such hazardous conditions as wet floors and broken or hazardous equipment. The inspection is required to set a baseline on the condition of the gym because without an advance inspection, problems in the gym can be blamed on VYI even though we may not have caused them so it is important this advance inspection be completed with a custodian, if at all possible.

4.      VBDs are also responsible for ensuring a timely departure, helping to collect equipment, cleaning area, and a final inspection with a custodian.

5.      Sports groups may not throw, kick or propel balls on goal, conduct scrimmages or do anything to cause damage to the gym. Programs such as baseball, softball and soccer may use gyms for conditioning. Gym users may not use any equipment except basketball goals and volleyball standards.

6.      A custodian must lock and unlock doors, operate lighting and air conditioning, open and close dividers, raise or lower basketball goals and set up any miscellaneous equipment. VBDs may not do these tasks. Gym users may not use any school equipment other than basketball goals and volleyball standards.

7.    Neighborhood and Community Services (NCS) has rules that must be followed to include: participants must park in designated areas, food or drink is not allowed in gyms, all participants must remain in the gym, participants must enter through one specified door, alcohol and tobacco are prohibited and bouncing balls in the hallways is not allowed.

8.      The “Facility Opening Check Report” is filled out for each use and must be submitted to CRS each two weeks, and the “Incident Report Form” must be submitted the next business day following any significant accident/incident requiring extensive first aid, calling an outside agency such as ENTs, or an altercation and should include information on any scheduling conflicts, property damage, altercations, injuries, or other significant incidents causing disruption to the flow of practice or games. The “Incident Report Form” should include information on any school property damage uncovered during the VBDs scheduled period of service.

9.      The telephone number to report after hours usage conflicts and emergencies is 703-609-8870.

10.  The area supervisor will visit facilities on a regular basis to inspect the facility, check in with custodians, identify the VBD by name and SSN and provide assistance and guidance as needed.

11.  If a basketball rim is broken during your gym assignment notify the custodian, fill out a Damage Report, call the duty supervisor at NCS and notify your league commissioner.

12.  The VBD should call the duty supervisor at NCS when there is a scheduling conflict with the gym that cannot be easily resolved, if a serious altercation occurs, or if you need assistance of any type.

13. Outdoor sports groups are only allowed to run conditioning programs in gyms.

Look in the left hand menu on this site and click on "Register Online", then scroll down until you find it and take that test, which if passed, qualifies use as a VYI Volunteer Building Director.