Coach Age Limitations
Current and past players at VYI are encouraged to return and volunteer their time to help the organization. All head coaches must be 18 years of age at the start of the season (November 15) in which they wish to coach, and there must be at least four years difference in age between themselves and the players they are coaching. Therefore, the highest grade an 18 year old may coach in is the 8th grade. Assistant Coaches, who are as young as 16 as of November 15 of the season in which they wish to participate, may participate as long as there is an adult, 18 years old or older, named as the Head Coach of their team who completes a House Coach Application, takes the Building Director test and has a valid background Investigation, and the younger high school student acts as an Assistant Coach and completes the Building Director test and fills out an Under 18 Coach Application. The older qualified individual MUST BE at every practice and game overseeing the 16 year old assistant coach.
Applications, Background Check, and BD Test
All head and assistant coaches must complete the House Coach Application on a yearly basis and take the Building Director test every two years. Head coaches must have completed a background check at NCSI within two years from March 15 of the year of the end of the season.
Posting Scores
Winning coaches in grades 4 through high school are required to post scores of their games weekly using the WEB site and their Manager password. The league commissioner is responsible to ensure all scores are posted and to establish a penalty, such as declaring a tie, if scores are not posted on time.
Protecting League Participants
All coaches are required to submit a House Coach Application every year that they participate. Anyone designated by the commissioner as a Head Coach or an Assistant Coach and subsequently appear in Team Contacts is required to complete a NCSI background check.
Building Director Schedules
All coaches, in coordination with their commissioner, must identify the volunteer positions of the families on their team and put together a Building Director Schedule for every practice and game prior to the first game of the season and submit the schedule via VYI's administrative website at . The coach, by helping manage the Building Directors appointed, must ensure the gym is left in better condition then when they arrived for both practices and games.
Must Abide by Participation Rule
Coaches are expected to abide by the rules of the league, including, but not limited to, all player participation rules, sportsmanship rules, and rules governing the addition of players to rosters after the start of the season (This is strictly forbidden without the player filing a registration form and paying the correct fee).
Difficult Situations
Coaches must not argue with referees, parents or other coaches in public under any circumstances, as this demonstrates poor sportsmanship to players. If there are complaints about referees, or other coaches, they should be reported after the game to the League Commissioner or the VYI League Office at 255-5894 and they will be addressed with the appropriate league official.
If coaches are faced with dealing with a difficult player or set of parents, they should bring the problem to the attention of the League Commissioner for their age group. The two should work together to determine an effective strategy to combat the problem including jointly speaking with the parents and the child.
Serious problems, such as suspending a player, or parents, from VYI activities, require a specific set of steps detailed by VYI, so coaches must seek assistance rather than trying to handle such problems themselves.
Coaches are expected to treat players and parents with respect, regardless of how parents or players treat the coach.
Coaches must be certain they are never alone with a player who is not their own child. Coaches should recruit parent assistants who are present at all VYI functions.
Under no circumstances should a coach or a parent touch a player in any way in anger or frustration! This is grounds for immediate suspension or dismissal from the league!