Program Description
Vienna Youth, Inc. is most interested in teaching the children in our program solid and effective basketball skills so that when they enter high school they are familiar with almost every technique their high school coach asks of them. VYI pays for annual clinics for our coaches to attend as well as conducting our own internal clinics to train our coaches on the latest methods to teach basketball.
VYI has set their coaching structure up to have a semi-permanent coach at each Division I age level rather than having one coach stay with the same team throughout the FCYBL experience. As coaches step down from Division I, VYI posts the open position after the season, conducts interviews of interested coaches and selects the best available from the candidates in VYI's sole discretion.
At the Division II level, VYI does not currently have the luxury of setting up a system where coaches stay at a given age level, as coaches change much more often at that level. A coach of a Division II team, while it is not desirable in VYI's viewpoint, may be a parent of a team member. However, in no case may a Division II coach stay with the same team more than two years in a row.
VYI coaches are expected to not only know basketball, but also to be excellent teachers, good sportspersons and excellent role models. Coaches are expected to be good organizers so that every practice is packed with conditioning and skill building drills and that there is never a moment when players are standing around doing nothing, as gym time is too precious a commodity not to be fully utilized. Minimal amounts of time should be spent going over statistics at practices as we prefer skill building drills and conditioning. We do not support using scrimmages without coaching correction as a means of teaching the game, as valuable lessons and skills must be taught to the players during each practice through interaction with coaches during drills, conditioning and skill competitions. Scrimmages play an important role in preparing for games, but not to the exclusion of skills and practice of fundamentals that are necessary to the development of good basketball players.
Coaches have an administrative role in VYI and are required to be aware of league rules, to notify players who are part of the zip code exemption group of their options, to create rosters, to motivate parents to get players to locations on time, to conduct practices effectively, to manage equipment and turn it in on time, and a number of other duties.
Coaches are REQUIRED to recruit assistants whenever possible. It is simply not efficient to try to control ten players activities and to effectively teach basketball without assistance. In addition, the assistant provides a second viewpoint in coaching and interpersonal activities.
Coaches are encouraged to recruit parents to keep statistics for all players during games. These stats should include shot patterns of each team, turnovers, free throws made and missed, and any additional activities the coach is interested in. The parent responsible for keeping stats should provide them in a usable format to the coach prior to the halftime meeting with the players. The coach might also recruit a parent to record games on video for future review, if time permits. Statistics should be used during games to spot trends, outside of practice via email to set goals, educate and motivate players, but stats should not be gone over in practice as practice/gym time is too valuable.
Coaches have a responsibility to give all the players on their team a reasonable amount of playing time, assuming that a player is regularly attending practice. That is defined by VYI as at least 20% of each half. So in a 16 minute half every player should be in the game at least 3.5 minutes so that in a regular season game every player on a team will get at least 7 minutes per game. Some coaches provide more playing time than others, but beyond the rule above, it is a coach decision. There is NO playing time requirement in the playoffs and coaches are encouraged to play who they think best will allow them to win.
If a player does not attend practice regularly, does not personally notify the coach in advance when a practice will be missed, is disruptive during practice, or has parents who are disruptive to team discipline and order, they may be punished, with advance notice to the VYI Basketball Administrators, by a reduction in playing time, suspensions from the team or dismissal from the team.
Parents are required to discuss issues they may have with you in a discreet and mature manner. If a parent remains dissatisfied, the parent is directed, under the Parent Agreement, to address his concerns to the VYI County Commissioner. Use good judgement when dealing with a dissatisfied parent. Remember that your volunteer efforts are for the kids. If you have a problem that you deem sufficiently unmanageable you are encouraged to bring it the attention of the VYI County Commisisoner.
VYI wants to give parents a voice about a specific coach either during or after the season in the form of an on-line evaluation form. The form asks the opinion of parents about their experience with a specific coach. VYI has solicited the information and intends to take the comments seriously.
So too, VYI has given coaches a voice about parents who present a problem, either during or after the season. See Incident Report. We encourage you to complete the required information if you see fit.
Parents have been advised that coaches are not drivers, or child sitters, so parents must be conscientious to deliver their children on time and to pick them up from practice and games on time. It is strictly prohibited for a coach to take an unaccompanied VYI child in his/her car. Coaches should not be alone with players at any time and must be sure that parents or others are present.
See website.
See website.
If a player selected for one of the FCYBL county teams at tryouts should leave the team after selections have been completed in mid-October, but prior to the submission of County rosters and the house league draft in the first week of November, the following process will be used to fill the position:
(1) If the Division I team was affected, the coach will select a player off the Division II team. The Division II coach will then notify either the FCYBL League Rep for VYI or the VYI Basketball Operating Officer of an opening. There will be a notification of the appropriate house league commissioner and potential players that at least one supplemental tryout will be held to select an additional player. The coach and one of the two league officials will handle the tryouts. At the conclusion of the tryout(s), a player may be selected, only if capable of competing at the county level.
(2) If the Division II team was affected, then the above notification process will be completed and a supplemental tryout date will be selected.
If a player selected for one of the FCYBL county teams at tryouts should leave the team after selections have been completed, but after the house league draft in the first week of November, there will be no additions to the team.
If a player is not available to try out due to injury, but the coach is familiar with the players skill level, the coach may select the player. Players are expected to be ready for the first game or with the approval of league commissioner.
When a scheduling conflict arises parents have been advised that VYI expects families to choose VYI over the competing activity, with obvious exceptions such as scheduled religious and special family events. Regular season games of primary season sports always take precedence over practices, and in-season sports always take precedence over second-season sports such as Fall baseball.
County basketball practices start before VYI football ends so some accomodation must take place between the two sports because Football is a primary season sport when basketball tryouts begin. Because VYI football is still playing games when basketball begins, football must take precedence over basketball during the football season. Under no circumstances should a VYI basketball coach encourage a player to skip football practice to attend a basketball practice.