Coach Wootten’s Basketball Camp
Grades 1-2
Practice #1
5-7 minutes Ballhandling - Everything is a race with teammates and self, everyone has a ball
pound the ball
pinch the ball
waist circles (both directions)
double leg circles
single leg circles
full body circles
step outs
Confidence pass
side catch
football hike
dribbling figure eight
walk the dog
dribble on left knee (behind the back)
dribble on right knee (behind the back)
"M" dribble
walk/between legs
Crab Run
5-7 minutes Dribbling- Below the knee
Hammer a Nail-right (50)
Hammer a Nail-left (50)
Cross Over
Killer Cross Over
Push Pulls Right
Push Pulls Left
Windshield Wipers-Right
Windshield Wipers-Left
Explosion Walks
Two Balls Even
Two Balls-Odd
Two Balls Curry Push Pulls
Coach Wootten’s Basketball Camp
Grades 1-2
Practice #2
5 minutes- Ball handling-Everything is a race with teammates and self, everyone has a ball
pound the ball
pinch the ball
waist circles (both directions)
double leg circles
single leg circles
full body circles
step outs
Confidence pass
side catch
football hike
dribbling figure eight
walk the dog
dribble on left knee (behind the back)
dribble on right knee (behind the back)
"M" dribble
walk/between legs
Crab Run
5 minutes- Dribbling- Below the knee
Hammer a Nail-right (50)
Hammer a Nail-left (50)
Cross Over
Killer Cross Over
Push Pulls Right
Push Pulls Left
Windshield Wipers-Right
Windshield Wipers-Left
Explosion Walks
Two Balls Even
Two Balls-Odd
Two Balls Curry Push Pulls
5 minutes Moves on the Move: (each move twice: one left and one right)
Slasher Dribble
Stop and Go- Emphasis stop, eyes at rim, acceleration
Cross over
Spin Move
In and out
Back Dribble-keep in hand
Back Dribble-Cross over
5 minutes Finishing School- use 3 baskets-both right and left side