Welcome to the 2024 season of VYI Lacrosse!

Welcome to the 2024 season of VYI Lacrosse!

Parents and players:

Hello and welcome to the 2024 season of VYI Lacrosse!  We are delighted to get the kids back on the playing field this year.

A few housekeeping notes to share with you in advance of player assessments:

(1)  All players must be registered in order to attend assessments.  Wait listed players should also attend assessments, unless informed otherwise by their respective Age Group Coordinator (AGC). 

(2) The schedules for our player assessment sessions can be found on our home page (www.vyilacrosse.org).  As a general rule, “A” teams are comprised of our most advanced, experienced, and skilled players.  For boys’ 10U and girls’ G3/4, we encourage participation in “A” assessments by players with at least one season of playing lacrosse.  If your player is not planning to attend the “A” team assessments, please refer to the “B/C/MF” assessment schedule.

(3) Weather is always a challenge this time of year (!!).  Any cancellations/changes to our assessment schedules will be posted on our home page (www.vyilacrosse.org).

(4) IT LIKELY WILL BE COLD – please dress appropriately.  😊

(5) All players should bring and wear a REVERSIBLE PRACTICE PINNIE (preferably dark to white).

(6) FOR IDENTIFICATION PURPOSES, please do the following before arriving at the field: 

a. BOYS:  Last name printed in black Sharpie on white medical tape – one on the front of the helmet, and one on the back of the helmet.

b. GIRLS:  Last name printed in black Sharpie on white medical tape – one on the front of their practice pinnie, and one on the back of their practice pinnie.

(7)  Please arrive 10-15 minutes early to check-in (we will have a check-in table outside the field).  Assessment sessions will start promptly at the stated time.


a. GIRLS:  lacrosse stick, eye goggles, mouth guard, cleats, reversible practice pinnie.

b. BOYS:  lacrosse stick, helmet, gloves, shoulder pads, arm pads, athletic cup, mouth guard, cleats, reversible practice pinnie.

Again, we are thrilled to get the kids back on the field this season. 


Mary Forde

Commissioner – VYI Lacrosse