VYI offers rugby for boys and girls from ages U6 to 18U.
(Kindergarten through High School)
We have two seasons, Spring and Summer.
Spring tackle practices begin in January.
Spring Tag practices begin in March.
Summer practices begin in May
Key Spring Dates:
April 11-19: U18 / U16 Scottish Tour
May 10: U18 / U16 State Finals, Location TBA
May 22-24: Boys High School Rugby National Championships, Elkhart, IA
Age Brackets
TAG Rugby - U8, U10 & U12 (Coed)
YTH Tackle Rugby - U12 (Coed)
MS Tackle Rugby - U14 (Coed)*
HS Tackle Rugby - U16 & 18U (Separate Boys and Girls Teams)**
* U14 Girls have the option to practice with HS Girls.
**Vienna High School Girls and Boys are both nationally ranked. Vienna High School Boys are the 2023 Boys High School Nationals Rugby Tournament Tier 2 Champions and the Spring and Summer 2023 Virginia State Champions.
Practice Information:
If you have any questions, please contact: rugby@vyi.org
Rugby Videos:
Vienna Youth Rugby Patch Report
Vienna High School Rugby on YouTube
USA Rugby Youth Promotional Trailer
Rugby VA HS Girls at DC Furies Ruggerfest
Hyde HS Rugby VS. NOVA HS Rugby