- Is rugby a primary spring sport?
Spring rugby is intended as a primary spring sport. Practices will be held 2 or 3 times per week, including Saturdays until regular season games begin. During the regular season, games are usually scheduled for Saturday's, but Friday night or Sunday games are possible.
- Can my player play another sport while playing spring rugby?
The decision to play multiple spring sports is up to the player and family. Coaches will expect players to be fully committed to rugby. Expectations for TAG rugby players are a bit looser. Other spring sports should be recreational and should not cause the player to miss more than one rugby practice per week. In particular, TAG players can play both Vienna TAG Rugby and Vienna Flag Football, with little or no conflicts.
Keep in mind that tackle rugby is a physically demanding sport. Adequate recovery time between physical activity is important for the health of an athlete. Don't over commit your student athlete.
- What if spring rugby overlaps with my child's winter sport?
No problem. Sport seasons can overlap, especially if the player makes it to post-season competition. We encourage players to come to rugby practices as feasible and will lighten practice activities for players competing in winter sport, post-season, competition.
The following questions all have the same answer:
- What if my player has a spring sport which overlaps with the start of summer rugby?
- What if my player has a fall sport that starts before rugby ends?
- What if my player's family has a summer vacation planned sometime during the rugby season, especially once games start?
- What if my player wants to attend a sports camp for another sport in the middle of the rugby season?
No problem. We fully understand that the beginning of the rugby season overlaps with the end of the spring season. Summer Rugby players should finish their spring season sport before coming to rugby practices. If your player has a vacation and/or away camp over summer, that's fine.
Summer rugby is flexible. It is designed with vacation and sleep away camp in mind. If a player misses a week or two over the season. don't worry about it. Players and positions are more interchangeable than in some other sports, so adjustments are easy to make. Any player who will be missing more than 3 weeks between mid-June and the end of July should only register if they are an experienced player and know what they will be missing.
Players won't be penalized in any way for missing practice or games. However, Virginia Rugby mandates that tackle players MUST attend at least 2 practices of tackling training and be approved to play by the head coach before being allowed to play in a tackle match.