About Our Sport!

About Our Sport!

The cross country season will start the Tuesday after Labor Day register at vyi.org starting in Late July.

this is VYI's fall running program, geared to those that like distance running and we compete against the other teams in the area in 2 km to 4 km races based on age. 

The Cross Country program offers team races on a grass or wooded course of varied terrain. Training also involves running through the neighborhoods around Nottoway Park, off-road running, and some track work. Members acquire valuable racing skills, including team strategy, pacing, surging, and final kick. Cross Country is also excellent conditioning for other winter and spring sports.

We typically end our season with our home meet the first weekend in November.  This year that meet will be Saturday 11/2.  For those that are interested on bigger meets, we can get you information on going to the USATF's national championship meet series, or AAU  or CCNYC for x-c , the sites for the national meet for each of these moves each year so it might make sense to try and got to one or the other based on if they are close to us this year.