

 Results from meets 

Microsoft Word file 1k course Map- 2022 Nottoway park updated map

Microsoft Word file 2k course map- 2022 Nottoway

Microsoft Word file 3k course map- 2022 Nottoway update

Microsoft Word file 4km course map- 2022 update for Nottoway Park

Microsoft Excel file Best Running Event- equivalent times for each running event are matched across line. Your time closest to the top of the page is likely your best event

Adobe PDF file Team Manager Instructions *- Instructions for Coaches/Team Managers on how to administer their team sites under Teams and Schedules. (Not yet enabled for Track and Field)

Adobe PDF file USATF Schedule for June 14-16 *- schedule for meet at PG Sports and Learning Center near Fed Ex Field USATF card required, pre-registration by 6/10 required.

Adobe PDF file Website Instructions for Parents *- Parents' guide to the new website.