Parent Responsibilities & Understanding

Parent Responsibilities

Parent Responsibilities

Parents must understand the commitment their child has upon making a select team. The player is expected to attend every practice and game. The coach is volunteering his time to teach the children fundamental volleyball skills and it is incumbent on the player and parents to respect that and to do everything in their power to meet this commitment, as well as supporting the coach.

Parents also have further commitments in our program as follows:

1. Parents are expected to register, pay, and electronically sign a statement prior to the start of tryouts, which states that they understand and will abide by all VYI rules and regulations and will do their best to bring their child to every practice and game on time unless they have received advance approval from the coach to miss that event. Players/parents must notify coaches in advance if they are to miss any practice or team function. If they do not do so, or gain advance approval for an absence, the player is subject to reductions in playing time at the discretion of the coach and VYI Volleyball. Any player missing more than two unexcused practices may be cut or be subject to reduced playing time at the discretion of the coach or the Commissioner.

Furthermore, the statement requires a commitment that the player is not trying out for any other select program and if chosen by VYI to play select volleyball will join whatever team the child is selected to play on. Once a child leaves the VYI tryout process they will not be allowed to return.)

2. Parents must refrain from communicating with their child while the child is playing volleyball. This includes during the game, while the player is on the bench, at time outs or at half time, unless the communication is of a personal nature unrelated to basketball. Parents should never direct their child to do something different then what the coach is teaching.

3.  The coach will select the team and starting lineup for each game  without parental involvement, and parents must agree the coach may substitute when and who they wish, assign playing time as the coach sees fit, determine the fundamental skills they will teach and stress, and determine the offense and defense to teach and run during the game.  Parents should not offer unsolicited coaching tips as that demeans the skills of the coaches in the program, who are well trained and approved by our league during rigorous interviews and training sessions.

4.  Abusive comments must never be yelled by spectators at officials, coaches, other team's parents or players, or parents or players of their own team. Parents or other spectators found guilty of this infraction will be restricted from attending one or more games as punishment. Inappropriate behavior or comments by a parent will not be tolerated and that parent runs the risk of being suspended or terminated from the program in the sole discretion of VYI.

5.  Parents should cheer positively for their own team and should never talk or yell while another team is serving, or try to distract a player. Parents or other spectators found guilty of this infraction will be restricted from attending one or more games as punishment.

6.  If parents wish to speak with a coach, about playing time or strategy issues, specifically before or after a game, VYI asks that they do not do so. Issues of this type should be approached in a quiet environment and the coaches have been instructed to refer parents to the VYI Commissioner with these types of issues. Parents should contact the coach via email whenever possible, unless it is an emergency.

7. If parents disagree with a coach regarding what the child is being taught they have a right to be heard and should bring the situation to the attention of the Commissioner and the Commissioner will have the final say in the matter. Opinions of outside personnel, or other coaches the child may have had, will not be considered and the VYI Commissioner's decision made in conjunction with VYI will be final. If the parents object to the final decision, an alternative is VYI's Dispute Resolution procedure (See the VYI home page).

8.  Parents and players must do their part in notifying coaches of practices to be missed, getting players to practice on time and in picking up players after practice. Coaches are not child sitters and would like to leave right after practice just like the families of our players. Coaches are strictly prohibited from having an unattended child is his/her care so parents must be diligent in arriving on time.

Parents should encourage their children to call the coach directly when missing a practice rather than calling themselves. This is a life lesson in growing up and taking responsibility for their actions that we would appreciate parents supporting.

9.  VYI would like parents and children to be loyal to the VYI system and its coaches. We do not support families moving their children around to different programs. VYI is a Vienna program and we hope Vienna children will stay in our program for its duration, sequentially experiencing new coaches as they progress through our system

10.  We do not support children trying out for two programs at one time. Any player, who has registered to play VYI select volleyball has agreed to this requirement, and if found violating this policy, is likely to be removed from consideration by the VYI coach.

11. We do not support children playing out of their age level.  Any player eligible for two age levels under league rules is expected to play at the lower age of the two levels.

12. VYI strives to run its select program to meet the needs of all concerned, including parents, children and coaches. If there is a problem parents are encouraged to deal with the situation discreetly and maturely. In the event a parent feels that his or her complaint is not being fully addressed by the coach, then that parent should contact the VYI Commissioner or utilize the VYI Dispute Resolution process.