VYI Wrestling is managed by the VYI Wrestling Commissioner, who is appointed by the VYI Board of Directors. The Wrestling Commissioner sets fees and registration guidelines, obtains gym space from Fairfax County for practice, and organizes the various matches and tournaments through the use of volunteers necessary to run the League as efficiently as possible.
We participate in the in the Norhern Viginia Wrestling Federation (NVWF aka Federation) and Top of the Podium (TOP) tournaments. The teams's participants have won a number of area tournaments and have been well prepared by the excellent staff of coaches to wrestle in high school and college programs. The NVWF season runs from December through February.
Tournament management systems and policies change each year. Updates are necessary each season as changes are announcement by tournament organizers.
- Wrestlers must arrive with plenty of time to weigh in and register. The times listed on your schedule are the times at which registration for that weight/age class CLOSES. Plan to arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the end of registration.
- ALL Wrestlers are required to wear headgear for each practice and match. Wrestlers with braces must wear mouthpieces as well.
- On arrival at a meet, register, pull card from stack, and weigh in without shoes or sweats.
- After registration is complete all wrestlers are grouped according to age/weight and paired in matches. Wrestlers may be in up to three matches per day.
- Listen for the wrestler's name to be called on the PA system. When announced proceed to the pairing table. When both opponents arrive they will be handed a bout sheet with an assigned table near the mat. Go to the table and hand the bout sheet to the volunteer.
- Each bout consists of three one minute periods (senior wrestlers may wrestle 1 1/2 minute periods)
- No wrestler may begin a match without a VYI coach present. If no coach is present ask the volunteer to place the bout sheet under the stack to delay the bout until a coach is available.
- Each wrestler wears a red or green anklet. The ref will wear a corresponding red or green arm wrist band. To determine who is awarded points note the color of the wrist band on the ref's arm raised or consult the flipcharts at the scoring table.
- All wrestlers should be allowed a minimum of 15 minutes rest between matches. If the wrestler is not well rested ask the volunteer to place the bout sheet on the bottom of the stack to provide more rest time.
- If you have any questions or problems during a tournament contact the nearest VYI coach and they will take your concern to tournament officials.
If you have questions at any time don't hesitate to contact the Wrestling Commissioner.
REMEMBER: If you are unable to meet your table duties at your assigned date/time, you are responsible for finding and coordinating your replacement.
- Each table has one timekeeper and one scorekeeper.
- Timekeepers start and stop the clock as appropriate (as each period begins and ends or if the ref blows his whistle)
- At the end of each period the timekeeper throws a rolled towel on the mat in view of the ref and wrestlers. The timekeeper should also yell "time" so that the ref and participants can hear.
- Scorekeepers should keep track of all points awarded by the ref to each wrestler.
- At the end of each period the scorekeeper should verify the score with the ref.
- Neutral position - All matches begin with wrestlers in a standing, neutral position, where neither wrestler is in "control" of the other.
- Take Down (2 points) - To be awarded points one wrestler must be in "control" of the other.
- Escape (1 point) - Awarded to a wrestler who escapes the "control" of another.
- Reversal (2 points) - Awarded to a "controlled" wrestler who then gains "control" over the other wrestler.
- Near Fall ( 2/3 points) - When a wrestler's back is held at a 45 degree angle to the mat for a 2 second count without the angle being broken, points are awarded to the wrestler in control. If the ref can reach a 5 second count 3 points are awarded.
- Pin/Fall (end of match) - A pin occurs when both shoulder blades hit the mat simultaneously. The ref will slap the mat to signify a pin. The scorekeeper should mark down the time of the pin. For example, if the pin occurs after 15 seconds of the third period the time is 2:15.
- Penalty Points (1 point) - Points are awarded if a wrestler "locks" hands or uses an illegal hold such as a "full nelson". Warnings are usually but not always given before penalty points are awarded.
- Watch the ref, not just the match. Matches are short and the ref calls points very quickly which add up fast.
- Watch the wrist band. The color of the wrist band matches the color of the band on the wrestler's leg.
- The refs assigned to officiate our tournaments are usually kids who wrestle at the high school level. Please know they will make mistakes, but remember they are doing their best. For example, it is possible to confuse which arm to raise for points during the match. That is why it is important to verify the score at the end of each period.
- There is no reason for a parent ever to confront a ref If you disagree with a call, or believe that points were not awarded fairly, please rely on the coaches to work out the details.
- For the sake of your child please be a model for good sportsmanship and help your child be a good sport after a close loss or a victory. All wrestlers will shake hands before and after each make. VYI coaches will not allow any wrestler displaying poor sportsmanship to continue wrestling during a match.
- Wrestling is a demanding and difficult sport. All effort at this age level deserves to be richly rewarded, whether the match results in a win or a loss. Children thrive on positive feedback, and it is up to parents and coaches to provide that feedback. Some children will get upset after a loss and may begin to cry so be prepared to offer support and a shoulder to cry on if needed to your wrestler and to all VYI teammates.
- Wrestling can build confidence, character and a sense of community. Wrestling teaches the lessons of life. Wrestling builds character; character builds champions.
Because of its intensity and the long hours spent in the gym, wrestling can also foster deep friendships, for parents and kids alike. Whether you are a veteran or new to the sport, we hope you enjoy the season and all that it brings.